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miércoles, mayo 11, 2011

Conferencia con Profesor Pankaj Ghemawat

Conferencia con Profesor Pankaj Ghemawat

Lunes, 16 Mayo 2011 19:00-21:30

London, Royal Overseas League,
Over-Seas House Park Place,

SW1A 1LR - London
United Kingdom
Ver mapa

Dear Alumni and Friends,

We are very happy to announce that the Time Magazine will be doing a summer Cover Story "The World is Not Flat" on Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat 's new book World 3.0, which has already attracted major coverage in The Economist, McKinsey Quarterly, and the Globe & Mail. We would like to invite you to a one-on-one session with Prof. Ghemawat on May 16th, at the Royal Overseas League in London. At the event Prof. Ghemawat will discuss in detail the theories proposed in his new book, World 3.0, which offers a new approach to globalization. Join us and hear his views on the world economy post-financial crisis, the reversing trends of globalization and his thoughts on a third worldview – one where both regulations and cross-border integration coexist and complement each other.

Por favor, haga clic aquí para ver la invitación.




Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

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